Shadow Work is the Spiritual Practice of confronting the various aspects of ourselves that others or life experiences may have labeled as “Bad”.
Even though we may label and stash away these emotions, thoughts or feelings – they never really go away. Instead, they collect and build and the more we ignore them the more the Shadow grows and impacts us on a day to day basis in the form of unhealthy patterns and unconscious and limiting beliefs.
It’s possible as a child you were told to “tone it down” because you were strong and independent, so you begin to operate in a way of being quiet and obedient. Or you were told to “suck it up” when it came to your emotions so you learn to react less emotionally.
These comments cause an inner fragmentation, a separation of Self and Shadow, which is unnatural for us as humans. So your Shadow will constantly try to get your attention so you can learn to integrate it. Shadow work doesnt really require planning, but rather simply an awareness of what’s hidden and gradually working to heal those aspects of yourself.
Shadow work can be done solo or with a counselor or group of people. Please make sure you have some sort of support as you begin to wade into this work, as it can be extremely heavy working through traumas, etc. 🖤
Recognizing the Shadow can be extremely difficult when you have spent so much time ignoring it.
To recognize your Shadow, you’re going to want to take a good, long, objective look at how you feel about yourself, and in general. Are you experiencing low self-esteem? Feeling anxious or depressed? Maybe you continuously struggle to have healthy relationships with others.
One way to recognize your Shadow is taking a peek at your projections. Many times when we are uncomfortable or dislike something about ourselves, we may project our Shadow onto others by pointing out their flaws.
You may also recognize your Shadow in the ways that you get triggered. Triggers are reminders of past hurts and traumas. When you pay attention to them, you will usually be able to trace it back to your Shadow, and then begin working on catching a trigger before you lash out.
One more way to recognize Shadow was mentioned previously; and that is the patterns that reoccur in your life. This is one way how Shadow presents itself when it wants to be seen and accepted, so that you may make a different choice and break the repeating cycle by integrating the lesson.
Your main goal when doing this work is to learn to integrate the unconscious, and to shine a light on the Shadow. 🖤
The benefits of spending dedicated time to beginning and doing this work is, in my opinion, immeasurable. Many believe that this work can heal generational traumas; allow you to think through the messages you pass along to others, young and old; and help you feel more whole as a person.
To look at how it may help you generationally, you’ll have to objectively look at the areas of your actions and thoughts that trace back to previous generations, sometimes pretty far down the line of your ancestors. Sometimes we hold onto the patterns of others, that we don’t necessarily need or that may be holding us back. When we assess what we may have picked up from others, we can release the outdated patterns and ways of thinking. We can then make the choice to move forward in the ways that are aligned with us as individuals, and treat others in the same ways.
On a personal level, working through the Shadow can help make you feel more confident, and help you practice more self-acceptance of all the aspects of yourself. This in turn can help you tap into your creativity, and your “magic” as I call it. You may even find some hidden talents and strengths within yourself! 🖤