Spiritual Advisor Vs. Psychic

A Spiritual Advisor is someone who is deeply rooted and connected to a Higher Power, and a Certified Spiritual Advisor has taken a course to become certified in this line of work. You may reference this Higher Power as God, Spirit, Universe, your Higher Self, or another name. Advisors serve as a connection between yourself and this Higher Power, to help guide and assist you in various ways of life.  Their guidance and assistance has a Spiritual focus, and their main goal should be guiding you along your path, bringing you back to center when needed, and helping you to grow spiritually. Spiritual Advisors typically use life experiences, studies and connection to a Higher Power, and do not necessarily have to have psychic abilities, as a means of providing Spiritual Guidance.

A psychic is a person with Spiritual Gifts that uses ESP (extra-sensory perception) to access information that is typically hidden from our ordinary senses. These typically include the “clair-abilities”, telepathy, and mediumship. A Psychic may or may not place emphasis on Spiritual growth and connection to the Higher Power. 

A Spiritual Advisor *may* also be a Psychic, and a Psychic *may* also be a Spiritual Advisor. You can certainly be both, but you can also certainly only identify as one or the other. Most people seeking out Spiritual Advising/Guidance will seek out a Psychic, such as myself, as this is considered “the best of both worlds.” As you receive the connection to the Higher Power through Spiritual Experience, as well as through Spiritual Gifts.

3 thoughts on “Spiritual Advisor Vs. Psychic”

  1. Thank you for letting us know that it is the role of a spiritual advisor to assist and guide us in various ways of life by acting as a connection between us and a Higher Power. I’m debating whether to move forward with the career change I’m considering since I’ve been working at my current job for almost 7 years now, so it feels like a waste to let everything go just like that. I’ll have to consider seeing a spiritual counselor for help in case they might be able to guide me in making the right decisions for my career.

    1. You may also be interested in one of my Services! Blueprints give you insight into your innate gifts, strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, and more on your Life Path and Life Journey, including your life cycles, themes, and age ranges (included in the Soul Blueprint). I also offer Ka Activations, which activate and anchor your Soul within your physical body – allowing you to live a more soul-embodied life. Blueprints may help give you insight into yourself to help make the decision easier, while Ka Activations will activate your Soul and help you make decisions aligned with your Soul and Higher Self.

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